
تسليط الضوء على معاناة الاخوة ذوي البشرة السمراء في صحيفة ذي ناشنال الامارتية

The death of George Floyd during his arrest in the US city of Minneapolis last month has shed light on the plight of another community: Black Iraqis.

They say racial discrimination against them is on par with the racism experienced by African Americans, sometimes even surpassing it, as they not only face a lack of recognition, but also economic, political and social atrocities.

Many of them are descendants of African slaves brought to Iraq and have lived in the southern city of Basra for centuries.

They want recognition as a minority group whose rights should be protected, but some told The National that their demands have been ignored by the Iraqi government.

Many say they are unfairly represented and want to prohibit being called “slaves”, especially as the burdens of their ancestors continue to haunt them.

The killing of Mr Floyd has put the global spotlight on racism, one that Black Iraqis say has been brushed off by authorities.

Members of Iraq’s black community, estimated to be around 2 million, have shown solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.

Footage that gripped the world showed a white police officer kneeling on Mr Floyd’s neck to pin him to the ground for more than nine minutes went viral.

The movement calls for an end to racism and police abuse.

Mr Floyd’s killing has raised awareness in Iraq about the government's neglect of Iraqi-African rights, Mohammed Falih, a 31-year-old photographer from Basra, told The National.

“What happened to Floyd must never happen again, it is not only a Black issue, but is a matter that concerns people from all over the world, we will keep fighting until racism ends,” Mr Falih said.

He says getting employment in Iraq has been very tough for those of African origin.


تسليط الضوء على معاناة الاخوة ذوي البشرة السمراء في صحيفة ذي ناشنال الامارتية |

 قال علي البياتي ، عضو المفوضية  العليا لحقوق الإنسان في بغداد ، إنهم احالو ملف  التمييز العنصري ضد العراقيين من ذوي البشرة السمراء إلى القضاء العراقي .

 كما اكد البياتي : "نحن نعمل مع بعض ممثليهم في العراق  ، وقد رفعنا دعوى قضائية ضد مؤسسة تابعة لوزارة الثقافة أقامت مسرحية شجعت على التمييز العنصري".

 ووصفت المسرحية ذوي البشرة السمراء  في العراق بأنهم "عبيد " والدعوى ضد المؤسسة  الحكومية لازالت مستمرة.

 واشار البياتي : "لقد رفعنا دعوى قضائية أخرى ضد قاضي عراقي في البصرة وصفهم ايضا  بأنهم عبيد".



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